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Why do I need to find a freight forwarder for ocean transportation booking?
 Sep 11, 2024|View:1

If you have a large amount of goods need to be transported by sea for import and export, every month fixed cargo import and export need to be transported, it is possible to find their own direct communication with the shipping company to talk about the price. However, the actual operation will find that the shipping company is only responsible for the release of space, other operations they are not clear.

This is precisely why find freight forwarders for ocean freight booking has many irreplaceable advantages, while directly find the shipping company booking there are many risks and challenges.

From a professional point of view, the freight forwarder in the ocean freight booking to show a very high degree of professionalism. International shipping involves intricate route planning, careful port selection and subtle scheduling. Different goods have different transportation requirements, and different destinations require different route combinations.

Freight forwarders have a professional team with in-depth and thorough understanding of the global shipping market, and are able to customize the most appropriate transportation solutions for their customers based on their specific needs.

For example, for some special goods, such as dangerous goods, refrigerated goods, etc., freight forwarders can accurately select routes and ships with corresponding transportation qualifications and facilities to ensure safe transportation of goods. In addition, the freight forwarding company is also familiar with various customs policies, trade regulations and transportation insurance and other knowledge, can provide customers with a full range of advice and services to help customers avoid potential risks.

In contrast, when booking directly with a shipping company, customers often lack professional knowledge and experience, making it difficult to make the optimal choice. The main business of shipping companies is to operate ships, although they also provide some booking services, but usually can not provide customers with personalized solutions like freight forwarding companies. Moreover, the scope of services of shipping companies is relatively narrow, and they may not be able to meet the requirements of customers for some complex transportation needs.

From the aspect of risk control, freight forwarders can provide better risk protection for customers. In the process of sea transportation, it may encounter various emergencies, such as bad weather, harbor congestion, ship failure and so on. Freight forwarders have rich experience in coping with the situation and can take effective measures in time to reduce the loss of customers.

For example, when encountering port congestion, the freight forwarder can coordinate with other ports for transshipment, or adjust the ship schedule to ensure that the goods can arrive at the destination on time. And the freight forwarding company will also buy transportation insurance for customers, once the goods in the transportation process of loss, the customer can get the corresponding compensation.

If you directly find the shipping company booking, the customer in the face of these emergencies, often feel helpless. Although shipping companies will also take some measures to cope with the situation, their primary task is to ensure the normal operation of the ship, and they may not be able to pay full attention to the specific needs of customers. Moreover, shipping companies usually do not buy transportation insurance for their customers, and customers need to bear the risk of cargo loss by themselves.

From the cost control point of view, freight forwarders can get more favorable prices for customers. Freight forwarders have a long-term relationship with many shipping companies, and they can negotiate with shipping companies for lower freight rates and better terms of service according to the customer's transportation volume and demand. At the same time, freight forwarders can also provide customers with one-stop logistics services, including warehousing, loading and unloading, customs clearance and other links through the integration of resources, thus reducing the overall transportation costs of customers.

By directly approaching the shipping company for booking, the customer often only gets the price announced by the shipping company and lacks room for negotiation. Moreover, if customers need other logistics services, they need to contact and coordinate with different suppliers separately, which will not only increase the cost but also reduce the efficiency.

Further in terms of qualifications, freight forwarders usually have comprehensive qualifications and licenses to carry out various logistics businesses in a legally compliant manner. They have rich experience and professional operation process in customs filing, inspection and quarantine, etc., which can ensure the smooth customs clearance of goods.

For general customers, it is very difficult to understand and master these complex qualification requirements and handling procedures. If you directly look for the shipping company to book, you may not be able to ship the goods because of incomplete qualification or improper handling, and even face legal risks.

Finally, from the perspective of service quality, freight forwarders can provide customers with more intimate service. Freight forwarders usually have a specialized customer service team, they can respond to customer inquiries and questions in a timely manner, to provide customers with full tracking and service. Whether in the booking process, or in the process of cargo transportation, customers can always understand the status and location of the goods, to ensure the safety and timely arrival of goods.