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What does the customs check?
 Jun 12, 2024|View:14

Check the product name: the product name and the common name should be distinguished clearly, and the ambiguity of English words may also lead to the deviation of the product name translation, which needs special attention.

Check specifications: what is prone to error is that some factory customers have hit the carton packaging specifications, and there are many kinds of specifications that need a maximum and a minimum, and then there are some irregular product length specifications with two, one above the length and one below the length.

Check the total quantity: check whether the declaration is less than the amount, especially the tax refund, the reason for the frequent error here is that the customs declaration information is done in advance, and the data is changed when loading.

Check the weight: There are two things you can do wrong with weight. The first is that the gross weight and net weight of the bulk goods and the actual weight are more than 3%-5%. The second is that products priced by weight only know the gross weight but the net weight is calculated, so there is an error.

Check the number of pieces: The number of pieces is generally easy to problem is that the shipper to the buyer's gifts or help the buyer to ship some other items do not appear on the customs declaration.

Check the shipping mark: Some shipping marks will reflect some product, logo information, if there must be reflected in the customs declaration.

Check whether infringement: brand name, imitation brand, brand, tag, R Logo, logo pay attention to distinguish.

Check the origin: is the source of goods, some factories will reveal the source information or advertising information of some products on the packaging, especially when the three-way trade is prone to wrong origin information or destination information.

Check classification: Check whether the customs code is accurate, and it is more prone to error that the classification of multi-functional products should be accurate, such as tablet computers with phone functions should be classified as mobile phones rather than tablet computers.

Check the old and new: some old things can not be exported, and it is easy to make mistakes that the open-top cabinet machine is wet in the open air.

Check the price: the code corresponding to each type of goods imported and exported by the customs has a price range in the customs system, which generally has two, one is the price range of local exports and ports, and the other is the price limit range nationwide, especially when importing the price audit is particularly strict.

Sampling and inspection: This is relatively rare, and it is generally unable to pass the intuitive judgment of chemical products that need to be inspected.

Check the body of the vehicle: check the container truck of the consigned container when transporting between China and Hong Kong.

Check the box: Check the container, usually encountered special cabinets will be checked.

Check whether it is hidden: It is to check whether it is carried some things that are missed or hidden.