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This Red Sea freighter has sunk!
 Mar 04, 2024|View:9

On March 2. local time, Yemen's official Saba news agency quoted the crisis response team dealing with the "Rubimar" cargo ship as saying that the ship had sunk the night before, and the reason for the sinking may be related to weather factors.

The group expressed regret over the sinking of the ship, saying it would have a serious impact on the local Marine environment. The group said it would study next steps and determine the best way to deal with the environmental pollution caused by the accident.


On February 18. the ship was badly damaged by a missile attack by Houthi armed forces in Yemen in the Red Sea. Yemen's Ministry of Water Resources and Environment held a press conference to warn that the cargo ship is in danger of sinking or hitting rocks, and if the fertilizer it is carrying leaks, it will have a serious impact on the local Marine environment.

It is reported that the cargo ship named "Rubimal" 18 after the attack was severely damaged, the crew was forced to abandon ship, was rescued by another merchant ship. The crew was then safely transferred to the nearby port of Djibouti.

Earlier, Yemen's Minister of Water and Environment Taufiq al-Sharjabi said the ship was badly damaged after it was hit by a missile attack by Yemen's Houthis.


Yemen's Ministry of Water and Environment said the ship was carrying about 22.000 tons of fertilizer and a large amount of fuel for the voyage. If the ship sinks or hits the reef, it will cause fertilizer and fuel leakage, which may have a serious impact on the local Marine environment.

It is understood that the ship is only 16 nautical miles from land, and will also threaten the nearby coastal ecology. The Yemeni government has set up an emergency crisis response team.


The situation in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea is worsening and escalating, said the bureau's correspondent, Abdelhamid Salah. But there is now also the danger of an environmental disaster that could follow the Houthi attack on the Rubimar.