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Maersk announced: suspension of multi-destination booking
 Jan 24, 2024|View:10

With the escalation of the situation in the Red Sea, Maersk issued two announcements on the situation in the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden on January 19. 2024.


Maersk related announcement

Maersk believes that the situation in and around the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden is "very volatile" and security risks remain at an "extremely high level." In view of this, the company has suspended the acceptance of bookings to and from Berbera, Somalia, Hodeida and Aden, Yemen, effective today.

For customers who have already booked to and from these ports, Maersk will do its best to reduce shipping delays and safely deliver goods to their destinations.

At the same time, due to the situation in the Red Sea, in order to ensure the safety of seafarers, cargo and ships, Maersk also adjusted the call port of the Middle East Red Sea route Blue Nile Express(BNX) and stopped calling ports in the Red Sea region.

The adjusted BNX route calls at Jebel Ali - Salalah - Hazira - Nawasheva - Jebel Ali.

In addition, Maersk has suspended bookings between Asia, the Middle East, Oceania, East Africa, South Africa and Djibouti with immediate effect. For customers who have already booked a flight involving Djibouti, Maersk will do its best to reduce shipping delays and deliver their goods safely to their destinations.


Maersk related announcement

Maersk said there are still many uncertainties in the current situation in the Red Sea and hopes to find a sustainable solution as soon as possible.

At present, the crisis in the Red Sea has gradually escalated from Houthi armed attacks on passing commercial vessels to military conflicts in the Middle East, and it is expected that the Red Sea waterway will be threatened by security in the short term.