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Five major ship types for freight
 Apr 25, 2021|View:8

Maritime travel introduces several types of sea transportation options available today. Regardless of the purpose of transporting goods, materials or passengers have different ships. These vessels are classified only according to these factors.

Most freight ships have basic physical commonality. These include the addition of weights to increase stability, located in the main deck and the fuel tank located on both sides of the ship shaft roadway. However, these tanks will carry liquid according to the type of the ship. They can be fuel, lubricating oil, freshwater, or other liquid.

Below we will introduce 5 main types of freight boats for transportation. all these are:

Bulk carrier

Grocery ship

Container Ship



Bulk carrier

It can be seen that there is a large hydraulic hatch with a bulk ship's boat. These types of boats are used to transport cereals, ore, wooden boats, and other materials/products to the cargo hold. They are sent to fall on a special port. The average bulk ship is about 800 feet.

Grocery ship

Like a bulk carrier, these boats have large hydraulic classes, covering the cargo cabin and elevated rigging. They can have 4 to 5 cars (cargo tanks also known as cargo classes) and long-proposing rigging for winches. Some boats in these boats may be very special and have a refrigerating compartment to store easily rotten items. They are usually 500 feet.

Container Ship

These are shipping standards shipped at sea, which is the main ship used today. Their design is to carry large steel containers typically 20 feet and/or 40 feet. Large cranes and trucks help to help these ships. They are some container boats, and they will open the ship when designing, and pull into the smaller ship called the barge.


The tanker is the most common ship of trail oil. Although there are a variety of types of tankers contain different types of liquids and gases, their use is usually the same. The tanker can be found from the large surface area protruding from the main deck. This is used to load and unload the goods.

The tanker can have a variety of dimensions, the length of the largest tanker is nearly one-quarter mile.


These vessels typically require a tug to move or can be used with the container ship. Barges are used in the main transportation of three types of goods: cereals and ore, containers, and liquids. In essence, these can be considered a microcaphum of a cargo ship, container ship, and tanker.

By using these different types of sea transportation, the carrier can choose one of the most suitable for this work. It is meaningless to standardize a ship to suit all ship types - although most of these boats can be used uniquely for their unexpected goods.

For more information by visiting our page on sea freight transport. Learn about how sea freight shipping works and when the best time to use ocean transport vs. air transport.