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China to Kenya route recovery
 Mar 25, 2021|View:8

The route of China to Kenja, China, was once suspended, was restored on February 25.

March 26th, after more than 10 hours of flight, a passenger plane of China South Airlines arrived from Changsha, arrived in Nairi Airport in Kenya.

At present, the NASTRO is restored to a week, and will continue until March 25, and follow-up flights will be adjusted according to the situation.

In order to ensure safety, the passengers have performed multiple body temperature monitoring before and after boarding, and the flight accelerator will do a good job throughout the segment, and the body temperature will be measured at any time.

I am in the Kenya Ambassador: Uncent Cancellation.

With the orderly development of complex indigenous, China - Africa trade has gradually recovered. China is an important economic and trade partner in Kenya. The Chinese Embassy in Kenya said that in cooperation with the prevention and control of China's citizens, China is in an orderly manner in all aspects.

LEAGUE has rich experience to operate the shipping goods from China to Mombasa or any other cities in Kenya, Besides the good service and competitive rates, LEAGUE can assist shipper to provide the COC certificate to the importer to finish the customs clearance successfully.

If you want to know any info about shipping from China to Kenya, like shipping companies from China to Kenya, how long does a ship take from China to kenya, cost of shipping container from China to Kenya etc, just contact our support team and we will be 24/7 online to support your business.

Source: CCTV News Client