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The freight rate ended 13 consecutive increases! Many routes fell, and the western part of the United States cooled down!
 Jul 16, 2024|View:10

The freight rate ended 13 consecutive increases! Many routes fell, and the western part of the United States cooled down! The latest announcement by the Houthis!

According to CCTV News, on the evening of the 12th local time, Yahya · Sareya, a spokesman for the Yemen Houthi armed forces, said in a speech that the Houthis carried out two attacks on the "Charysalis" steamer that violated its navigation ban through missiles and drones, and the attack locations were the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

In addition, the Houthis said in a July 14 statement that the navy, drone forces and missile forces conducted a joint operation against the Israel vessel MSC UNIFIC in the Gulf of Aden and hit the target.

On the same day, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) issued a statement saying that in the past 24 hours, CENTCOM forces have successfully destroyed two Houthi unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and one unmanned surface ship (USV) in the Red Sea. U.S. Central Command forces also managed to destroy a Houthi drone in an area controlled by the Houthis in Yemen.

At present, the chaotic situation in the Red Sea continues, but the price of container sea freight has shown signs of cooling.

On July 12. the Shanghai Export Container Freight Index released by the Shanghai Shipping Exchange was 3674.86 points, down 1.6% from the previous period, and finally ended the previous 13 consecutive weeks of upward trend! The SCFI in the previous period has shown a slowdown trend, with only a slight increase of 0.5% from the previous period, to 3733.80 points.

In addition, the trend of freight rates on different routes has also begun to diverge.

European routes are still rising, on July 12. the market freight rate (ocean freight and ocean freight surcharge) exported from Shanghai port to European basic ports was 5.051 US dollars / TEU, an increase of 4.0% from the previous period; The Eastern Mediterranean route fell slightly, and the market freight rate of Shanghai port export to Eastern Mediterranean basic port was 5424 US dollars / TEU, a slight decrease of 0.1% from the previous period.

On July 12. the freight rates of Shanghai port exports to the basic ports of the West and East of the United States were US$7.654/FEU and US$9.881/FEU, respectively, down 5.5% and 0.6% from the previous period.

It is worth noting that the US-West route fell sharply. Recently, MSC, ONE, ZIM and other shipping companies have successively launched new routes and overtime ships in the West of the United States, due to the investment of new capacity and weakening demand, the pressure on the route is easing, and the freight rate has cooled down.

The Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach, two major ports in the western United States, recently released container throughput data for May. The container throughput of the Port of Los Angeles in May was 752.893 TEU, a year-on-year decrease of 3%. In the first five months, the total throughput of the Port of Los Angeles increased by 18% year-on-year.

During the same period, the container throughput of Long Beach Port was 695.937 TEU, a year-on-year decrease of about 8%. In the first five months of this year, the port's throughput was 3.449.181 TEU, a year-on-year increase of 10%.

After a sharp rise in South American routes, the market freight rate also fell from a high level this week. The latest market freight rate for exports from Shanghai port to South American basic port was US$8.760/TEU, down 2.9% from the previous period.

It is understood that the shipment of new energy vehicles shipped to South America began to decline before July, and the supply increased significantly due to the overtime of shipping companies and the investment of new routes.