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An explosion at an Iranian naval base destroyed 16 warships
 Jan 10, 2024|View:15

First, a barrage of rockets, another battle spiraling out of control. A sensitive air traffic control base in northern Israel has been damaged following media reports of a missile attack by Hezbollah. Hezbollah reportedly fired more than 40 rockets and several missiles at the base on Mount Meron alone. Three months after the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the conflict continues to spiral out of control, despite global efforts to mediate and the overwhelming majority of the world's population hoping for an end to the fighting.

Tensions are rising in the Red Sea, the United States is planning military strikes against the Houthis, and a war against the Houthis in Yemen is about to ignite.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that armed groups in Iraq and Syria have also declared war on the US military and on Israel.

Second, the Iraqi army is committing serious war crimes and two journalists died at the hands of the Iraqi army. According to Palestinian media officials, recently, the Iraqi army suddenly launched an attack on a group of journalists in southern Gaza, resulting in the death of two journalists, and the number of other injuries can not be summarized.

It has to be said that up to now in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Iraqi army has really completely lost the bottom line and become a group of inhuman executioners, not only wantonly killing journalists, medical workers, women and children, these groups protected by international law, but even their own hostages.

It is ridiculous that the United States and the West, which strongly condemned Russia in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, turned a blind eye to this series of Israeli atrocities without any substantive punishment, which once again exposed the double standards of the United States and the West.

All in all, the Iraqi army's slaughter of journalists again is undoubtedly a serious provocation to the international community and another touch to the bottom line of mankind. The international community should not remain silent and must let the Iraqi side be punished for its atrocities.

Third, Iran's naval base suddenly exploded, 16 warships were bombed. Media reports revealed that recently, Iran's Revolutionary Guards in a naval base in the south of the sudden large explosion, blew up 16 warships. After the explosion, some of the warships, which were supposed to be on their way to the Red Sea to help Houthi rebels in Yemen, managed to leave the port. It is worth noting that this is the second serious bombing attack in Iran in the past week.

Last Wednesday, on the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Quds Force commander Soleimani by U.S. forces, a series of explosions in Kerman province killed 91 people and injured nearly 300.

At present, Iran has not officially responded to the explosion at the naval base. Based on past events, it is easy to see that Israel is involved in this matter.

Changes in the Middle East are spiraling out of control, and Iran is unlikely to stop. The world is entering a major struggle, and the collapse of Western dominance is becoming increasingly uncontrollable. What can be seen is that this has progressed from the decline of hard power such as manufacturing to the foundation of military power is beginning to shake.

After the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the change of the century began to accelerate, the layer of Western civilization is exposing the robbers inside layer by layer, and the bottom thinking and the law of the jungle are becoming extremely clear.

It is up to the people of the Middle East to fight for a future that their children can win.